Research Article
Mohammad Reza Talebi Ardakani*, Zahra Alizadeh Tabari, Golam Ali Golami, Amir Hossein Farahmand, Mahdi Kadkhodazadeh
J Periodontol Implant Dent. 2010;2(2): 51-55.
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Douglas Deporter, Mohammad Ketabi*
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Short communication
Ahmad Behroozian* ORCID, Les Kalman, Milad Hemmatiyan
J Adv Periodontol Implant Dent. 2021;13(2): 97-99. doi: 10.34172/japid.2021.011
PMCID: PMC9327474     PMID: 35919676    
Research Article
Douglas Deporter ORCID, Maziar Ebrahimi Dastgurdi, Azadeh Rahmati, Eshetu G. Atenafu, Mohammad Ketabi* ORCID
J Adv Periodontol Implant Dent. 2021;13(2): 49-55. doi: 10.34172/japid.2021.016
PMCID: PMC9327477     PMID: 35919682    
Research Article
Ramin Negahdari ORCID, Arezou Ghoreishizadeh, Mohammad Ali Ghavimi* ORCID, Atefeh Soltanpour, Sepideh Bohlouli
J Adv Periodontol Implant Dent. 2021;13(2): 61-68. doi: 10.34172/japid.2021.017
PMCID: PMC9327481     PMID: 35919681    

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