About this journal
Aims and scope
Journal of Advanced Periodontology & Implant Dentistry (JAPID) is the official quarterly publication of the Iranian Academy of Periodontology, dedicated to current advanced topics in the field of periodontology and dental implants. Please see Aims and scope for more information.
Platinum Open Access
Journal of Advanced Periodontology & Implant Dentistry is a Platinum Open Access journal. For more information, please see our publisher's open access and copyright policy.
This journal publishes articles as Platinum Open Access and provides unrestricted access to the
published content through its website and recognized repositories such as PubMed Central.
The Journal of Advanced Periodontology & Implant Dentistry (eISSN: 2645-5390; NLM Catalog) continues the Journal of Periodontology & Implant Dentistry (2009-2017; eISSN 2008-7756; NLM Catalog), the archives of which are available through the current journal's Archive section. The journal has transitioned from a biannual to a quarterly publication schedule beginning with Volume 17 (2025).
Complaints policy
Any complaint regarding our editorial policies or manuscripts handling should be directed to japid@tbzmed.ac.ir.
Editorial Office
Contact person
Editorial Assistant, Ms. Parvaneh Bourji
Journal of Advanced Periodontology & Implant Dentistry Editorial Office
2nd floor, Entrance 1,
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences Faculty of Dentistry Building
Daneshgah St.
Tabriz 5166614711
Tel: +98 41 31775007
Fax: +98 41 3334 6977
Email address 1: japid@tbzmed.ac.ir
Email address 2: japid.editorial.office@gmail.com
Email address 3: japideo@hotmail.com
TUOMS PRESS™, an imprint of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences